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T17464-Ss-I hlyn Monitor 17 Series Shower Trim With In2Ition

Item #: DELT17464SSI
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  • Diverter lever sets In2ition 2-in-1 shower to 1 of 3 options: showerhead and handshower, showerhead only and handshower only
  • Monitor pressure balance valve keeps water temperature within a safe +/-3degrees F (+/-1.6degrees C), helping to protect you from sudden changes in hot or cold water pressure
  • Pause feature reduces the water to a trickle, allowing you to conserve water while doing tasks such as lathering up or shaving your legs
  • T17464-SS-I Delta Stainless Ashlyn Monitor 17 Series Shower Trim With In2Ition
    Two-In-One Shower

    About JackieTest2

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam id justo tortor, pharetra fermentum risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec sit amet est vehicula tellus lobortis consectetur. Sed in dui tortor, vitae ullamcorper ligula. Nullam ac ultrices urna. Su

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    • JackieTest2
    • japshire@americommerce.com